miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

Goodbye, Teddy Kennedy


Perhaps the best of all three Kennedy brothers has left us. I can only say how sorry I am. This marks the almost-end of the great democrats, the last of those who thought that personal and collective liberty could coexist. How very sorry I am!!


viernes, 14 de agosto de 2009

This cartoon by Zanetti, was published in the New York Times (on line). It had a different message: it decried the occult danger represented by the banking system. I modified it, first in PowerPoint to change the words, and then in Adobe Photoshop to fix some design problems. Now it denounces the dangers of Fascism that seem to be appearing again, the old phantom that once ran through Europe, but now seems more universal and more deadly.

martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

Helen Thomas

Helen Thomas is one of Washington's most ethical and esteemed reporters. She is a Hearst White House columnist and currently writes for the Boston Channel, WCVB TV.