jueves, 16 de abril de 2009

War on Drugs

This will be a brief note about the "war on drugs".

Obama is disappointing me because I thought he would question dreadful policies like the “wars on…”. They don’t work, and the battle that is going on now in Mexico is just one more tragic example of these failures.

Obama seems to me more naive than cynical about this. For example in the recent on-line question-and-answer session where he accepted questions from the general public, his reply to the requests to legalize marihuana was almost trivial. He didn’t add the traditional “hehehehehe", but his giggling was just about audible. He acted sooo surprised that so many of his following was interested in this dubious topic.

It was not an adequate answer when thousands of Latins are suffering violent deaths related to this problem.

His contribution will be more “Black Hawks” for more war.

Who are happy with this? On one hand Sikorsky Aircraft, the company that makes them. The DEA also benefits because the justification of the whole program is the illegality of the drugs in question. And of course, the drug cartels would loose lots of money if they were legalized.

Who looses?

The victims of all that violence. Just ask the Colombians.

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